
Thanks  for visiting!

In the Films section, you can screen the films that make up All the Time in the World. They are numbered I – X (to date, I’ve uploaded the first six), and were originally shown in sequence as a suite. Each of the films can stand on its own, but if you screen the films as a group either in or out of sequence, you’ll  see a tapestry of everyday life in America knitted together by themes and motifs. In this respect All the Time tips its hat to Berlin: The Symphony of a Great City as well as to Humphrey Jennings’ Listen to Britain and Spare Time.

In the Poetry section, you’ll find some riddle-sonnets; they come out of the old Anglo-Saxon riddles, dear to my heart, in which things speak poignantly or tongue in cheek about their experiences in the human world. My own things are speaking in Shakespearean sonnet form, the missing rhyme in the last couplet being the name of the thing — and the invitation for a listener to guess what it is. With a big thank you to the performers who bring the poems and things to life,

all the best,
